Je viens de pleurer parce que le PC a fait un magnifique BSOD alors que j'étais en train de te corriger.
The video I’m going to
deal with has been
uploaded on May 2013 and is entitled
Mammoth found with “Flowing Blood” - SourceFed. So, the main subject is the discovery of a frozen mammoth on the new Siberian islands in the Arctic sea by
Russian scientists. According to the team
, this
finding is incredible due to the presence of flowing blood and muscle tissues found
well-preserved in the corpse.
So, we could potentially clone or ressurect mammoths. As far as I’m concerned I’ve always been interested
in archeology
. That’s why this document draw
s my attention. However it’s the important ethical questions introduced by the hosts which affect me in first way.
(Là, y a de la correction à faire, mais j'avoue que je comprends pas ce que tu as voulu dire). Therefore should we clone extinct species ? Or rather,
do we have the right to resurrect them ? Personally I can see two important points
that can help answering this question.
Firstly, some people could argue that cloning mammoth
s or some others animals would be like playing God and consequently we have to leave mammoth
s in peace.
Nevertheless I know that
a lot of people would be glad if a “Cenozoic Park”
opens its gates. But
is it an adequate reason to justify cloning ?
Surprisingly, yes. I truly believe mammoth resurrection can save some others species and ecosystems. But let me explain. On the one hand
we have a living being used to “have fun” and make money but on the other hand we can consider come mammoth back to life such as the first step to fix our mistakes.
(Quelque chose à corriger ici, mais je ne comprends pas ta phrase) We are the cause of many extinctions
for centuries and the consequences are disastrous : many of theses animals had an important role in
our ecosystem. For instance in Maurice island, the tambalacoque, a tree, can’t
reproduce because dodos are not here to eat
its seed. But mainly, people don’t care, and so, don’t want to support
researches to rise from the dead some unknown and ugly species equally they not give a toss about blobfish.
(Wow wow wow, c'est chelou là. Qu'as-tu voulu dire en français ?) That’s why
allowing to revive mammoths
could, one thing leading to another, raise public awareness and allow to clone others species more “useful” even if they aren’t cool
or cute.
(J'aime pas trop l'utilisation de cool, ça reste de l'argot, sinon ça veut dire "frais" xD)To sum up I
choose this video because the issue it
brings is important,
but it is explained in an humorous way. Moreover
, nowadays
, we have to
be careful not to reproduce the same errors, and perhaps
try to rectify them.
Voilà voilà
Sinon y a des tournures de phrases qui restent awkward, mais modifier ça en plus ferait que ce texte ne serait vraiment pas toi.
Du coup j'ai trois questions que je me pose pour pouvoir modifier quelques trucs - elles sont dans le texte - et il est possible que j'ai laissé passer des fautes.